I do remember that you have to be organised. I’m sure that is a really big part of it. I used to be organised. After 6+ months in isolation I don’t know what I am anymore, but I am quite sure I am not that. I am really busy doing nothing and I have no idea how I am going to fit any theatre in. I had one day where the only thing I had to do was go to an appointment. I was late. Another day my entire to-do list consisted of ‘send an email.’ Before I went to bed that night, I realised I had forgotten to hit the ‘send’ button. And I am in change of running a Theatre Company? We’re all doomed...
And it’s a big year next year too. 2021 is Catprints 10th Birthday and I am supposed to be at the top of my game so I can deliver a massive celebratory program. I was hoping for kicking some serious butt, drawing massive crowds, fundraising a shit load of dollarydoos for the group and delivering the best theatre we’ve ever done. But my brain is mush and I am incapable of multitasking because I lose focus and forget what I was doing and end up playing with the dogs or inspecting my pot plants.

I really have no idea how I am going to pull it off. One day at a time I suppose. With rehearsals about to commence I seem to have stopped being not busy. I did some stuff the other day. I re read the script – I figured since I am directing it, a reminder about what the play is about, was probably a good start. I’ve also told the cast about all the new procedures we have to have in place now, which might give the impression of being organised, but in reality the 2 page letter took me days to compose and after I’d sent it I realised I’d forgotten to mention something really important. Idiot.
And the schedule – well struth! Never have I stared at a blank spreadsheet for so long, unsure of how to proceed. So I copied the last one and decided to use the template to kick start the process. It was seriously doing my head in. Usually they fall in to place and a complicated one can take me a few hours maximum. But this one took me 7 hours. Seven hours straight to just write the flipping schedule. I could have binge watched the entire new series of the Mandalorian in that time! Ridiculous. And since we can only have a maximum of 10 people inside the venue at once, I had to split the cast into two groups for two different sessions and therefore stagger start times. And for each scene it’s a different 2 groups. It’s madness. The complexity of it hurt my brain, a lot. And if the covid safe guidelines change over the weekend then I am going to have to do it again next week anyway; meaning for all that work it was only valid for 1 week!
I am so excited to see everyone again though, I am bursting inside with happiness. I have forgotten how to be in a group of people though and am just as likely to just sit there, grinning like a fool and admiring the fact that I can see so many people I know, all at once, simultaneously, in the same space, that I’ll completely forget to even direct them about on stage. I might get overwhelmed and just cry. I might smile so much I come home with a sore face. We might accomplish nothing and fall behind at the outset which would mean another schedule adjustment. Joy.
I am sure there is other stuff I am meant to be doing too. I’m a bit worried I am going to completely forget something really important and not even know I’ve forgotten it until it’s too late. I’ve forgotten what I’ve forgotten. And I don’t know how to remember that. People tell me not to worry, that I’ll be fine, but what if I’m not? A dear neighbour gave me this absolutely adorable baby succulent which I put in a gorgeous pot which is now on the sun-table next to where I have my cuppa in the morning. I rotate it every day. It’s growing like anything. And I give it a tiny drink using a little precious glass jug that used to belong to my mum.
So, what was I meant to be doing? Don’t we start soon? Oh. 3 days. So, what am I supposed to be doing again?
