It seems odd to be starting a Catprint blog at the very end of the year, after our last show has finished, but here I am. The curtain closed over a month ago but here is still much to be done if we want to do theatre next year.
At the moment I am rushing towards a series of self imposed deadlines to get Catprint ready for 2020 before our AGM on Dec 2nd. After that I want to knock off for a serious 4 week break & be Catprint free for a little bit. Otherwise, it will drag on forever and I will not get a break and the weeds in my garden will win once & for all.
My life is a series of lists. Without them I would never accomplish anything. They are prioritised, colour coded, cross referenced and never ending. Once upon a time I used old school pen & paper but these days I use sticky-notes on my desktop. I save heaps of trees this way, but without power I am lost. Anyway, at this moment post show, this is where I stand...
So far I have;
- packed up our set and returned all items back to whence they came
- took hire wardrobe costumes back to Franston with our Wardrobe Mistress
- updated our website with production photographs and more set items up for hire
- created the A1 display photo collage for the production "Men!"
- selected both productions for next year
- booked audition dates & venues
- secured our performance dates at the Arts Centre in Warburton
- locked in rehearsal days, dates & times
- created (almost) finished artwork for both shows
- briefed the Production team on everything 2020 holds for us all
- scheduled & booked 3 major fundraising events
Yet to do (Dec 2nd);
- run our Inaugural Christmas Party for members
- make some food for said gathering
- whip up an awesome costume to wear, so I can win the trophy for best dressed (I delegated that task so I could win, it but shhhh dont tell anyone!)
- do all the paperwork for the AGM
- fix the signage on the doors at the Senior Citz Hall to advertise our presence there
- get to Officeworks to print out the last A1 poster to finish Catprints collection
- create a list of everything we need to find on hard rubbish in January for our sets
- write a plan and timeline for our first fundraiser in early 2020
- help reconcile the accounts & do the Profit & Loss Statement with our Treasurer
- finish creating the new canvas banners for auditions & shows
- chair the AGM
Heaven help me if I have forgotten anything! So I have 1 week to get all that done. I better get on with it then and gleefully delete the sticky-notes off my desk top. My garden is calling & I cant wait to get my hands dirty.
